Tuesday, July 31, 2012


  Why should marijuana be legalized? There are many reasons, some of which vary from person to person. Some people think it should be legalized because it actually does have medical benefits. Others just don't see why it's such a big deal.
   We have all heard about the tests done on monkeys to study the health issues related to marijuana use. What most people have heard about this was that the use of marijuana kills brain cells.  What people didn't hear was that the monkeys were deprived of oxygen during the study, and that oxygen deprivation was the actual cause of the death of brain cells, not the marijuana.
   The test was repeated many years later when this fact was discovered.  The test repeated was performed under accurate conditions and the results were much different... Scientists discovered that marijuana actually STIMULATES brain cells!
    Marijuana also has legitimate health benefits.  These health benefits include inducing appetites in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, helping people with insomnia to sleep peacefully, helping Alzheimer's patients, reverse rheumatoid arthritis, among many others which I will discuss in an additional post. And with all of the benefits, the adverse effects are still less damaging than those of other legal substances, such as alcohol.
   With all of these medical benefits, one may ask 'Why do lawmakers still consider this a category 1 narcotic?'. This is a question that nobody can really answer.  That is what I am going to be writing about: The laws associated with cannabis, as well as the benefits and harmful effects.